Winter 2024
I've been searching for something profound to kick-start this newsletter with, but I continue to come up short. So, moving right along.
Pinnarendi Campout
To celebrate a couple of graduating students, we took a few aircraft to a fly-in caravan park south of Mareeba for a weekend in May. Eight of us enjoyed a night of fellowship and pizza before flying back the next day. We are so lucky to be able to do this!

Naomi and I flying with Captain Timo.

Anderson ready to go.

Not the worst view.

For all you avgeeks out there

Abi landing at Pinnarendi.

Happy camper.

No cars - more room for tents!
Gove Trip
Like last year, we recently had the opportunity to head up to Arnhem Land to help out with the kid's program at the conference. Once more, we were blessed to be able to relieve parents of their children as they focussed on worshipping and learning as a MAF team. Naomi worked with younger children while I (Michael) hung out with the youth. Our theme for the weekend was based on 1 Samuel 16:7 which tells us that 'God looks at the heart'. We did lots of fun activities, including songs, puppet plays, craft and games.

Naomi posing with the bear she had been instructed by her class to take with her.
Training Centre Goings-On
We have had a number of new and returning students back at the training centre. This means that I have been quite busy compared to the first three months of the year! I have been doing initial training, as well as some more advanced training with our CPL students in the Cessna 182.

Another first solo! Little did Anderson know that the bucket of water...

... would soon be all over him.
I have also passed a few proficiency checks within the last few months, necessary to demonstrate that I still know how to do my job properly.
In more sad news, we are losing another instructor! Ian Purdey has been with MAF for 12 years, and is now moving on to his next chapter. It has been a joy to work alongside Ian with his sense of humour, level of care and depth of knowledge. We will surely miss him when he finishes up within the month.

The TC staff (missing a couple). From left: me, Steve Biggs, Dean Giles, Ian Purdey, Catherine Disher, Katherine Williams, Andy Little.
Naomi's World
Well, it's been another busy semester and it's hard to believe that we're halfway through the year! I started the year with 3/4 class of 23 students which grew to 26 students by the end of Term 1. Over the Easter holidays, we found another teacher to take on the Year 3 cohort so we could have two separate classes - Year 3 and Year 4. This was a wonderful and exciting answer to prayer, especially as we had been praying for another teacher for many months. It was also a beautiful reminder that God's plans are for our good and that his timing is best. Term 1 was challenging, that's for sure, but those Year 3 students were a blessing to me and I'm thankful for the privilege it was to teach them for a short time.
The coming term will bring with it NAIDOC Week (which I've had the opportunity to organise at school), a student teacher in my classroom for three weeks, an excursion with my class to the MAF Training Centre and hangar, and Book Week (my favourite week of the year and a celebration of Australian children's literature). I'm also going back to the island of Santo, Vanuatu in the September school holidays to visit local schools and share Bible stories with the students, alongside different craft activities and games. I'm very much looking forward to the trip and am excited to see some of the people I met there last September who shine God's love so beautifully.
Here are some ways that you can be praying for us over the next few months:
Naomi's two-week trip to Vanuatu at the end of September. Pray for safety and wonderful ministry opportunities for the team.
There are three new students starting at the training centre in the coming weeks. Please pray that they integrate well into the fold.
Give thanks that Michael made it back to Atherton safely after driving a new car back from Alice Springs.
That's all for another newsletter. May God bless you as you honour and serve him faithfully. Michael & Naomi