September 2023
Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the how, and lose sight of the why. The repetitive, tedious nature of any position - ministry or otherwise - can quickly take a vision and restrict it to the point of only being able to see a few feet in front of you. If I (Michael) am being honest, this has been my experience in the last few months. Being a flight instructor is fun and exciting, but there has been a voice in the back of my head saying "this isn't what the plan was. You're meant to be a missionary!" The following is as much a rebuttal of those thoughts as it is (hopefully) an encouragement to whomever reads this.
Jesus is clear in Matthew 28:19 that his followers are to make disciples of all nations. Nowhere does he say "take the gospel into only poor places as far from Western civilisation as you can". There is an incredible ministry opportunity at the MAF Training Centre, as a fair amount of the students who come through our doors are not religious. Just because I am not conducting medical evacuations in the highlands of PNG or flying pastors to remote African tribes (yet) does not mean that the Lord cannot use me where I am. In fact, one particular student of ours has shown a considerable interest in God and reading his word. So, I have enjoyed being reminded of God's sovereignty in all things and that he has me just where he needs me. I hope to still use my gifts and talents to bring help, hope and healing to remote people groups in Jesus' name, but until then I will happily impart what knowledge I have on the next generation of pilots - missionaries or not.
Speaking of! My first term as a flight instructor has been extremely rewarding and enjoyable. I have predominantly been working with two students: Abi and Tim.

Abi (left) and Tim (right) are both keen on flying for MAF.
Tim and Abi both started at the training centre when I started instructing, and watching them grow as pilots has been immensely satisfying. In three short months, they have both been successful in flying solo, passed their first CPL exam and are about to embark on their navigation training.

Tim and I following his first solo flight.

Planes don't wash themselves.
In other happenings, the first safari flight to Papua New Guinea took place earlier this month. For our two PNG national students, this was a significant point in their training, being able to fly a plane to where they grew up!

Erwin (left), Livingstone (right) and their instructor, Marcus (centre).

That's a lot of water! Enroute to PNG.
Naomi's World
As I (Naomi) write this update, I’m sitting in the Brisbane International airport waiting for my flight to Vanuatu. It’s been a busy term, a highlight being Book Week at school with the theme ‘read, grow, inspire’, and I’m thankful that the school holidays have arrived!
Today is the beginning of my mission trip to Espiritu Santo, the largest island in Vanuatu. I’m traveling with a team of other Christians from Queensland, including both adults and youth. There are three aspects of this trip: assisting at a medical clinic in Luganville (the largest town on the island with a population of approximately 18,000), running outreach sessions at local kindergartens and schools, and discipling the youth in our team (and a few local youth) through the Youth Alpha course. I’ll be facilitating both the kids and youth ministry throughout the trip, and am excited to see how God works in our lives and the lives of the local people over the next two weeks. Keep an eye out for photos which I’ll share when I’m back!
Ministry Partnership

We are currently sitting at 76% of our ministry partnership target. Time and time again, we are blown away by your generosity and faithfulness in supporting our ministry with MAF. We couldn't do what we do without it! If you don't support us already but would like to, we encourage you to go to:
Prayer Points
Please join us in thanking God for:
The recent purchase of a multi-engine aircraft for us to use to train future pilots.
Tim and Abi's progression through their course.
Please pray for:
Faithfulness on the part of MAF workers here, that we will not lose sight of the incredible opportunity we have to minister to people where we are.
That's all for another quarter, folks. Thanks for following along! In Christ, Michael & Naomi