Hello folks! We thought we'd try out a new way of communicating with you all in the form of a website. It may take a bit of navigating along with some trial and error, but hopefully it will be a more efficient way of updating you all.
Firstly, thank you to those that have been praying for us in this phase of the journey. We have really felt God's peace and guidance about what we're doing here and what lies in store for us. This update is a bit of a big one, so strap in!
Easter at Einasleigh
Over Easter a group of us from the training centre flew a couple of planes down to Einasleigh to camp and spend some time together in fellowship. It just so happened that the rodeo was in town! It was good practice for me (Michael) to practice loading up a plane to the max, as luggage usually isn't a consideration during training flights.
The gorge visible in the top right picture was only a 3 minute walk from the runway/our campsite, so we made the most of the opportunity to head down for a swim.
It was great to be able to reflect on the price that Christ paid for us with fellow Christians, and do it all while enjoying His wonderful creation. How amazing is His love and goodness?!
Georgetown Trip
Another trip that we had as a training centre was a short mission trip to Georgetown. Four car loads of us made the four hour trip down to do a bit of work at the local church on the Saturday and lead a church service on the Sunday. As the town itself only has a population of around 250 people, most of the church-goers came from a neighbouring town, Forsyth. We were incredibly encouraged by the faithful community of believers down there, and really enjoyed getting to know them a little bit.

Some of the jobs we undertook were painting the back room, painting the bell tower and helping an elderly gentleman with his beloved garden. On Saturday night, we ran some activities and a barbecue for some local families and their children. We ran Sunday school before church on Sunday, then Michael had an opportunity to speak on Hosea 1-3 for the service.

Flight Training
The end is near for Michael's commercial flight training. In late May, he finished his night flying, meaning he only has the safari flight (a ten day "road trip" up to Arnhem Land to build hours and check out the MAF program) and some CPL (commercial pilot licence) ramp-up flights before taking his test. After what has been years of training, it feels very odd to almost have it out of the way.

There have been a number of opportunities for Michael to experience glimpses of what the future will be like. The operations manager in Mareeba, René, took one of the Airvans from Arnhem Land to the sky for a return-to-service flight after maintenance in Mareeba. Michael sat in as the aircraft was tested for any issues to do with performance and handling. Thankfully no major problems were found! It was cool to fly in a plane that is responsible for bringing hope and encouragement to remote Arnhem Land communities, and one that Michael could end up flying too.

Just last week, Michael passed his last theory exam for his commercial pilot licence. All seven are now out of the way! This just means he has his safari flight and flight test to do. A bitter sweet moment, as this journey, although seemingly endless, has been very enjoyable and rewarding.
Naomi's World
Naomi is nearing the end of another busy term as a Year 5/6 teacher at Jubilee Christian College. While it hasn't always been smooth sailing, she feels blessed to have a full-time position, as well as the privilege opportunity to share God's love with her students. Her class started with fourteen students and has grown to nineteen, with the possibility of having two more join at the start of next term. Some highlights of the school year so far include:
Working alongside her teacher aide, who is a wonderful support and friend.
Joining in weekly Mandarin lessons with a teacher in China via Zoom.
Teaching junior primary sport lessons this term.
Having visits from Outback Patrol and Life Ed Queensland (including an appearance by Healthy Harold the giraffe - if you grew up in the Northern Territory, you probably know of him)!
Naomi was also invited to join a team from our church who run the children's program at the annual MAF conference in Arnhem Land. She was very much looking forward to the trip, but lost her voice in the week leading up to it. Disappointingly, she wasn't able to attend and is hoping to go next year instead. She was reminded that while we don't always understand God's plans for us, we can still find hope and joy when we trust in him. The rest that she had by staying home was much needed, and she was also able to spend time with Rosie (Michael's mum) who was visiting over the same weekend.
Youth Group
We have both started serving as youth leaders at Mareeba Baptist Church and have enjoyed spending Friday nights with the youth group. At the moment, we are going through Youth Alpha together which has been as impactful to us as it has been to the kids! It is one of life's great joys to be able to walk young people through the message of the Bible, and the importance that it has for each of us. Please pray that God would be continuing to work in their hearts!
Prayer Points
Please join us in giving thanks to God:
For His strength and guidance through this time of work and study.
That the Georgetown trip was safe and encouraging.
That Michael has been able to finish his CPL exams without any major setbacks.
That Naomi has enjoyed her first semester teaching at Jubilee Christian College.
We would love you to pray with us for:
A safe and enjoyable safari up to Arnhem Land for Michael and his peers.
That our upcoming visit to Alice Springs will be refreshing and restful.
As we look towards ministry partnership, prayer that God will provide the finances needed and that we will be able to step out in full trust and faithfulness.
Wisdom and strength for Naomi in the upcoming school term.
That's it for this update. We hope you've enjoyed taking a glimpse into our lives in far north Queensland! Thank you again for your ongoing support and prayers. We look forward to sharing more stories with you soon.
The Flying Lindseys