The year is coming to a close, and we have an incredible amount of things to be thankful for from the previous 12 months. How ironic it is that as we get closer to a time of relaxation and resting, we seem to be more tired and busy!
Multi-Engine Instrument Rating - Michael
"Once more unto the breach, dear friend" (or something to that effect) is a phrase my peer Craig and I have said or thought throughout the duration of this rating. While it has grown us exponentially as pilots and as mates, it has been a significantly challenging undertaking. From barely keeping our heads above water in the simulator, to battling turbulence and summer storms in the plane, to somehow finding time and energy to soak up copious amounts of knowledge into our fatigued brains - the past three months have been anything but boring. It has been a source of great humour for the two of us to find that we seem to "lose engines" at the very worst of times. I suppose we cannot complain if all our instructors are doing is getting us ready for the real deal when it comes to flying by sole reference to our aircraft instrument panel.
In the course of the last couple of months, I have been dwelling on the following thought: living for Christ is often like instrument flying. A lot of the time we cannot see very far in front of us, but are nonetheless propelled into the cloudy abyss. It is at these moments that full faith in the instruments we have been given to achieve the task becomes paramount. We hardly ever know the exact plan that God has for our lives, but thinking that we can fly "straight and level" by our own might can only lead to disaster as we give in to our false and misleading senses. It is here that Proverbs 3:5-6 resonates so strikingly:
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
This instrument rating is the final stepping stone to pass before my formal training is complete and a lifetime of learning on the field begins. The following images have been taken at various points throughout the course.

The Vulcanair P68 Partenavia - affectionately known as "the Party Bus".

Craig at the wheel on our way up to Cooktown. We have been back-seating each other's flights to get the most out of the course.

One of the many times an engine has decided to mysteriously fail mid-flight.

On the ground at Innisfail after a session of practising engine failures in the circuit. You can't see it but El Craigo is sweating pools.

The "hood" that I'm wearing simulates a lack of vision outside - not that I needed it on this flight out to Chillagoe in stormy weather!

Nothing tops suspension over the Earth.
It would be great if you could join us in prayer for the completion of the course. Earlier this week, the right engine fuel pump was found to be unserviceable, and repairs are delaying our course until (realistically) after the new year. While this setback poses no real threat to our overall timeline, it does slightly disrupt our proficiency and the progress we have made over the last couple of months.
Some Welcome Visitors

Due to a massive bridge being built in Bangladesh connecting the country by road, the services of MAF are no longer required. As a result, the programme itself has been closed down, and the aircraft have been flown to Mareeba as they await either being sold or moved to another programme. As an aviation enthusiast, seeing two amphibious Cessna Caravans up close and personal was very exciting! They will be in the capable hands of the engineering team until they are ready to be moved on.

School Life - Naomi
After an incredibly busy term, the school year has come to a successful end! I have now completed three years of full-time teaching, and feel incredibly thankful for the opportunities that God has provided along the way. One of the highlights of the past term was celebrating the primary school graduation of my Year 6 students with their families and friends. Michael was kept very busy taking photographs with a polaroid camera on the night as we had a fun photo booth set up!
I always feel a sense of sadness saying goodbye to my class at the end of each year. This time, I only had to say goodbye to half of the students as I will be teaching Year 5/6 again next year (which I'm looking forward to).
I'm also thankful for the friendships I've made with my colleagues over this year. What a joy and privilege it is to be able to work alongside fellow believers. Being able to pray together, and with the students, is a true blessing. Sadly, we farewelled my dedicated teacher aide in the last week of the term, and I will dearly miss her presence in the classroom. Please pray that God provides the right person to fill the role before the beginning of next year.
For now, I'm looking forward to some much needed rest and relaxation over the holidays!
Community Outreach

Late November provided an opportunity for the churches in Mareeba to host a combined churches outreach in a local park. I (Michael) enjoyed being a part of the worship band, and 4 local pastors shared short messages that proclaimed the gospel and shared a bit about the love of Jesus. It was a great way to publicly demonstrate the unity that we can enjoy as brothers and sisters in Christ.
In total there were about 400 attendees, with upwards of 50 people dedicating their lives to Jesus. Praise God!

Ministry Partnership

Because of God's faithfulness and the goodness of our trusted ministry partners, we have reached 46% of our sponsorship target. We both feel truly blessed to have so many people join our team, and be willing to partner with us prayerfully and financially. If that has been you over the past 6 months, thank you!
Sponsorship of MAF pilots and their families is tax deductible. If you feel called to partner with us, we would love it if you visit the following links:
If you live in Australia, click here:
If you live in New Zealand, click here:
Prayer Points
Join us in giving thanks for:
A safe year of flying for Michael.
Further employment for Naomi going into next year.
Please pray for us in these areas:
For safe travels as we head over to New Zealand to see family over Christmas.
That the rest of Michael's course will run smoothly so as to not delay the next steps.
That's all from us for 2022! We wish you a wonderful Christmas and holiday season.
Until next year,
Michael & Naomi
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." - Romans 15:13